
Female Founded Companies: How to Start a Small Business As a Woman

Hey there, aspiring entrepreneurs! If you’re a woman thinking about starting your own business, you’re in great company. Especially, in recent years, the number of female-owned small businesses has surged, with women leading the charge in various industries. Yet, starting a business can be daunting, especially when navigating a traditionally male-dominated landscape. Fear not! This blog post will guide you through the steps to turn your idea into a thriving business and join the ever-growing list of female founded companies.

The Rise of Female Founded Companies

Before diving into the how-tos, let’s celebrate the amazing trend of women embracing entrepreneurship. According to studies, women are starting businesses at a rate faster than ever, contributing significantly to the economy and reshaping the business world. From tech startups to creative ventures, women are proving that they have the skills, innovation, and determination to succeed.

Step 1: Find Your Passion and Business Idea

To start a small business, you need an idea that excites you. Think about your passions, skills, and interests. What problem can you solve? What unique perspective can you bring? Successful businesses are often built on passion, so find something that energizes you. Whether it’s a boutique, a consulting firm, or an online platform, choose something you can commit to with enthusiasm.

Step 2: Research Your Market and Competition

Once you have a business idea, it’s time to do some research. Who are your potential customers? What do they need or want? Analyze the competition to understand what’s already available and how you can differentiate yourself. Nevertheless, this research will help you refine your business concept and identify your unique selling points.

Step 3: Create a Solid Business Plan

A business plan is crucial for any woman founded companies. Especially for securing funding and outlining your business’s roadmap. It should include your business goals, target market, marketing strategy, revenue projections, and operational details. A solid business plan not only guides you but also demonstrates to potential investors that you’re serious about your business.

Step 4: Secure Funding and Resources

Starting a business often requires capital. Explore various funding options, such as personal savings, loans, grants, or investment from friends and family. Many resources are available specifically for female-owned small businesses, including grants and support programs. Check with organizations like the Small Business Administration (SBA) or local women’s business associations for funding opportunities and mentorship.

Step 5: Choose a Business Structure and Register Your Business

To make your business official, you’ll need to choose a legal structure. Common options include sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. Each structure has its benefits and tax implications, so consider consulting with a legal or business advisor. After choosing a structure, register your business with the appropriate government agencies and obtain necessary permits and licenses.

Step 6: Build Your Brand and Establish an Online Presence

Your brand is how customers perceive you, so make it memorable. Choose a catchy business name, design a professional logo, and create a brand identity that resonates with your target audience. Markedly, in today’s digital age, an online presence is essential. Build a website and set up social media profiles to connect with customers and promote your business. Consistent branding across all platforms helps establish credibility and trust.

Step 7: Develop a Marketing Strategy

To attract customers, you need a strong marketing strategy. Consider both online and offline tactics, such as social media marketing, email campaigns, content creation, and networking events. Collaborate with other female entrepreneurs to expand your reach and tap into existing networks. Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth; providing excellent customer service can turn customers into brand advocates.

Step 8: Build a Support Network

Surround yourself with a supportive network of fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, and business advisors. Moreover, joining women-focused business groups or associations can provide valuable resources, networking opportunities, and inspiration. Learning from those who have walked the same path can help you navigate challenges and stay motivated.

Step 9: Launch Your Business and Keep Growing

With everything in place, it’s time to launch your business. Host a grand opening event or online promotion to create buzz and attract your first customers. Later, keep track of your business’s progress and be open to feedback. Continuous learning and adaptation are key to growth, so don’t be afraid to make adjustments along the way.

Final Thoughts

Starting a female-owned small business can be a fulfilling and empowering journey. By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to building a successful business that reflects your unique vision and talents. Every successful business started with a single idea and a lot of determination. Keep pushing forward, and soon you’ll be an inspiration to other women looking to turn their dreams into reality. Remember, if you need help preparing yourself, your friends at Gild Insurance are only a click away. We combine the latest technology with experience to provide business insurance options that fit your business. Good luck, and here’s to your entrepreneurial success!


Unlock Growth: How A Strong Business Score Fuels Your Wine Shop

A strong business credit score is a key asset for wine shop owners. It creates financial opportunities, builds trust with partners, and supports long-term success. At Gild Insurance, we explain below why having a good credit score is so important for wine shop owners:

Securing Funding: 

  • Loans and Lines of Credit: Wine shops often need funds for inventory, store expansion, or marketing. A strong credit score helps them get loans with better rates, subsequently a poor score can result in denials or high rates, slowing growth.
  • Merchant Cash Advances: Even for alternative financing like merchant cash advances, a good credit score may still be needed for approval.

Negotiating with Suppliers: 

  • Favorable Payment Terms: Suppliers like wineries and distributors often offer extended payment terms or discounts to businesses with good credit history. Meanwhile, this can improve cash flow and free up resources for other investments. 
  • Early Access to New Products: Suppliers might prioritize relationships with creditworthy businesses. Therefore, giving them earlier access to new or limited-edition wines. This potentially boosts sales and customer satisfaction. 

Building Business Reputation: 

  • Vendor Relationships: A positive credit score reflects responsible financial management and trustworthiness. Additionally, this leads to stronger relationships with vendors and fostering a positive reputation in the industry. 
  • Customer Confidence: A good credit score can indirectly contribute to customer confidence, although it may be perceived as an indicator of the business’s stability and financial health. 

Other Benefits: 

  • Lower Insurance Premiums: Some insurance companies offer lower premiums for businesses with good credit, generally reducing operating costs. 
  • Utility Services: Utilities like electricity or internet providers might require a credit check for new accounts or upgrades. A good score can expedite this process and secure favorable terms. 

Maintaining good wine shop business score involves responsible financial practices. Overall, these include timely bill payments, managing debt effectively, and monitoring credit reports for inaccuracies. If you need help with your wine business, your friends at Gild Insurance are only a click away! 

To learn more: 

Building Your Business Credit: A Friendly Guide to Financial Success

Securing Your Cellar: Essential Insurance for your Wine Shop


Best Tools For Small Business Hiring Success

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index has shown that the fourth quarters are essential to the profitability of small businesses. Quick hiring often ensues to support the increased demand on small business’s operations during this time. Increased growth is welcomed by these small businesses, which may come with increased anxiety. Furthermore, in this blog we will discuss some of the best tools for small business to support hiring needs and address the increased risks of a growing company.

HR Platforms

Bringing on employees is more than saying “you’re hired.” Employee onboarding and training, company policies, and labor law compliance are all a part of being a small business owner. Some examples of HR compliance platforms are Bambee or Rippling. Likewise, they provide small businesses resources and tools to automate and simplify the employee hiring and retention process.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance

It is essential to consider a workers’ compensation policy if your business is hiring employees. Worker’s compensation is a form of insurance that provides protection to small business owners and their employees when work-related injuries or illnesses arise.

Employment Practices Insurance

Employment practice liability insurance provides protection against the risks associated with hiring, firing, and employing workers and staff. Small business owners have obligations under state and federal employment as well as meeting labor laws.

Employee Spending Accounts

Offering employee benefits, through flexible or lifestyle accounts, may be what someone may need to accept your offer of employment. Organizations such as HSA Bank and Peoplekeep are developing unique solutions geared toward small businesses and the needs of their employees.

Therefore, with the right tools and resources, small businesses can leverage fast-paced growth as a winning strategy. The careful orchestration of modern tools and traditional risk mitigation processes can support potential fourth quarter growth. Certainly, this can alleviate the uncertainty of acting as an employer. Utilizing tools and resources provides the foundation for sustainable small business growth in the fourth quarter and beyond.

To learn more check out:

Worker’s Compensation

Gild Insurance is a digitally native independent insurance agency serving small businesses nationwide. Gild’s online quote-to-bind services digitally provides the knowledge, personalization, and trustworthiness of a local agent, available 24/7/365. From the creatives on main street to the home-based business, Gild Insurance has you covered. Schedule time with a Gild Agent by clicking HERE!


A Guide to Online Marketing: Small Business Edition

Most small business owners rely on traditional marketing methods to grow their business. Think print ads, community events and word of mouth. But, if you feel that your business isn’t scaling as quickly as you desire, it may be time to invest energy into online marketing. The great thing about online marketing is that you can implement most of these strategies with little to no upfront cost. Below is our guide to online marketing: small business edition. Let’s explore several different internet marketing strategies that you can use to help scale your small business.

Create an Email List

The first step is to create an email list to reach your customer base. Do you have an email list comprised of warm leads? Are you using it to reach out to prospects to drive your sales? Once you’ve created an email list, here are some strategies to leverage it to better position your business to customers.

  • Create a pop-up box on your website – have you ever gone to a retail website to start shopping and been greeted by a pop-up box promoting you to enter your email address in exchange for something? “Sign up to receive free alerts”, “be the first to know” or “join our newsletter” are commonly used phrases. Customers love to be part of something bigger. Entice them to give you their email address by providing the allure of exclusivity. Alternatively, you can offer a free PDF, downloadable guide, or video that ties in with your business.
  • Use ads to direct prospects – Similar to a pop-up box, a more elaborate version consists of using targeted ads to direct prospects to a landing page. Remember, pop up boxes hold limited amounts of information. Imagine being able to direct your potential clients to page that will hold as much material as you would like. The ability to grab the customers attention with pop ups is the start while the landing page is meant to offer more information.
  • Collect email addresses in person – Heading to a local small business networking event? This is the perfect opportunity to try and collect some email addresses. You can use low tech options like a clipboard and paper or track emails on an iPad. Including QR codes on your business card are also a popular option.

Create Email Funnels 

After you have your list of contacts, start reaching out to them with a series of email flows. You can write the emails yourself and use software, like Marketing 360 to automate the send-outs. Or, you can hire a professional copywriter or agency to do it for you. Start small and see what works for you!
You also may be wondering what the magic number is for the amount of emails you should send. That will vary depending on your business, your preferences, your customers, and your budget. If you are an online or brick and mortar store that sells physical goods, you may want to write several emails a week detailing discounts, promotions and giveaways. Maybe you are a fitness studio and are more interested in sending biweekly or monthly newsletters to keep your clients engaged. Remember, marketing starts as trust building and educating.

Consider Paid Advertising

Though commonly expensive, paid advertising can be the single most effective way to attract new customers to your business. The average cost for small to medium size business is approximately $2500 to $12,00 a month. It’s important to note that paid advertising isn’t the same as using a social media page to promote your business. While you can certainly post content on your business’s Facebook or Instagram to help promote your business, paids ads can extend your business’ reach!


The above guide to online marketing: small business edition, is just a sample of the many ways you can generate revenue through internet marketing. Many business owners find the rabbit hole of internet marketing is actually quite deep, and the rewards can be profound.

At Gild Insurance we always like to say that having insurance is the best way to prepare your business for future scalability, and in many ways, internet marketing is very similar.  After all, that’s one of the great things about the internet era: the next best thing is never more than a click away!  

To learn more about the tools and resources available to the Gild Community, check out Gildhall!


Building Business Credit Fast: A Friendly Guide to Financial Success

Let’s dive in to the exciting world of building your business credit. It’s like giving your business a financial high-five and opening doors to new opportunities. Here’s the nitty-gritty of how you can build a stellar business credit score!

How To Build Business Credit

Register Your Business: like planting a seed, you need to have a solid foundation. Make it official – register your business. Get the necessary licenses. And create a separate business bank account. This step is like setting up the roots for your financial tree.

Get An EIN (Employee Identification Number): think of this as your business’s social security number. It’s unique to your business. It is crucial for separating your personal and business finances. It’s your business’s way of saying, “I’m independent!”

Open A Business Bank Account: this is where the magic happens. Having a dedicated business bank account makes you look professional. It helps keep your business finances organized. It’s like having a tidy room – everything is in its place.

Buy Business Insurance: Credited by Gild Insurance helps build your business credit score with on-time business insurance premium payments.

Pay Your Bills On Time: this one’s a golden rule. Just like meeting deadlines, paying your bills on time boosts your business credit score. It shows that you’re reliable and trustworthy – qualities everyone loves in a business partner.

Apply For A Business Credit Card: a business credit card is your financial sidekick! It can help make necessary purchases and establish credit for your business. Remember, responsible credit card use is the key here – it’s like having a trusty sidekick who always has your back.

Building A Business Credit Score Fast

Building your business credit is a journey, not a sprint. Stay consistent, be responsible, and watch your business credit score soar. Remember, it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about creating a financial legacy.

To learn more about business credit, check out:

“Credited by Gild Insurance”

“Exploring the World of Business Credit and Your Business Credit Score”!

If you need help with your business, your friends at Gild Insurance are only a click away! We combine the latest technology with experience to provide business options that fit your business!