
Coworking Spaces for Small Business Owners

Dude, where’s my office! There’s been a fundamental shift in where people are working today. The water cooler is still there, but the people around it don’t all work at the same company. With this shift in where we are all working, it begs the question – Do I have business insurance for that? We all think of insurance needs based on fire or flood events. But business insurance is so much more than that regarding coworking spaces for small business owners. At this point, you may be asking yourself: “What business insurance coverage does my business need at coworking spaces?”

Insurance Coverage Needs for Coworking Spaces for Small Business:

  • General Liability – Does your business use contracts to provide its services or sell products? Operating from a flexible office space won’t save your business from the risks associated with those business activities! Obligations under client contracts or the risks of selling a product, do not disappear just because your business utilizes a coworking space. General liability a foundational business insurance coverage for any business typically provides product and contractual coverage. So, whether your business operates out of a brick and mortar or at coworking spaces, general liability is where all business owners start thinking about business insurance.
  • Business Owners Policy – Picture this, you are at your coworking space having a productive day. You get up to go grab a cup of coffee and when you return your laptop is missing! If your business does not have property coverage, the costs to replace that laptop will have to come out of your pocket. Combine the coverages of general liability and property and make life a bit easier by purchasing a business owners policy (BOP).
  • Worker’s Compensation – Now that business owners can work anywhere, the people they hire can too! Technology has allowed us to have video chats and be connected as seamlessly as if we were sitting beside one another. If you have employees or hire 1099 contractors to do work on your behalf, worker’s compensation is a must have coverage. Worker’s compensation is mandatory in most states, even if your employees operate remotely or in a coworking space.
  • Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions – Don’t think that the possibility of a missed deadline leading to a dissatisfied client only happens if you own the building. If advice or expertise is your job, then professional liability is an essential coverage!

What Other Business Insurance Does My Business Need?

  • Cyber Insurance – Free WIFI at coworking spaces may be a great amenity, but it is not without risks. A shared or public network, may increase your business’ Cyber Insurance can provide you with coverage in the event of a breach. Data security losses can be extremely expensive. Many victims are often forced to consider paying a ransom to regain access to their systems and/or information. Cyber coverage can be purchased on its own. But often times, it can be added in a cost-effective manner to a business owners policy.
  • Hired Non-Owned Auto – Do you hire or rent cars for your business? If you have employees, do you ever have them run an errand for the business in their personal vehicles? This is a common ask of small business owners who do not have owned business autos. Non-Owned Auto is the coverage needed to help protect your business in the event that employee running the errand has an accident.

As you can see there are many insurance coverages that will be needed no matter where you work. Go enjoy that view at your local coworking space. Drink the free coffee and put the cup in the sink without washing it. But before going tomorrow, make sure you have the proper insurance coverage to protect you against things that could happen. At Gild Insurance, we can help you with that!

To learn more about coworking risks, check out:

Considering a Coworking Space?

The Highlights of Business Insurance For Remote or Hybrid Businesses.

Take care of your business insurance needs by booking time with a Gild Agent or receiving a digital quote!