
The Benefits of Dogs for Small Business Owners

National Dog Day is August 26!

Many of us would agree that working from home has had its ups and downs. One undeniably positive improvement has been the ability to hang out with our pets all day long. Sure, they can be needy sometimes (we’re looking at you, french bulldogs). To celebrate National Dog Day, we thought we’d take a moment to recognize the most popular pet of them all: dogs. (No offense intended to any other species out there, but we’re just stating facts here.) We want to share with you the benefits of dogs for small business owners and tell you a little bit about our main man, Gildber The Husky.  

The Health Benefits of Dogs for Small Business Owners

Physical Benefits 

Dogs are cute, loyal, good with children, and just plain fun. Aside from that, dog owners benefit from numerous physical and mental health benefits. For one, as any dog owner can tell you, dogs are great exercise. Even if your dog isn’t particularly active, they’ll still keep you moving with feeding times, bathroom walks, and chasing toys tossed across the living room, making sure you don’t spend too much time lounging on the sofa.

Did you know that a study conducted by Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, a journal of the American Heart Association (AHA), found that dog ownership was associated with longer life expectancy among those with previous heart conditions? For heart attack survivors who live alone, it increased their risk of survival by a whopping 33% compared to those who did not have a dog. 

Additionally, the AHA also found that many people who own dogs report having lower blood pressure. In 2013 they even stated that owning a dog is “a reasonable strategy for reducing heart risk.” Whether this is due to the increased physical activity that comes with owning a dog or the fact that our furry pals provide therapeutic and calming effects to their owners isn’t entirely clear, though. 

In general, doggie parents tend to have fewer trips to the hospital, suffer from fewer incidences of minor seasonal illnesses such as cold and hay fever, and are more able to cope with stressful events, helping them to avoid anxiety-related illnesses.

Emotional Benefits

The most obvious thing to mention here is that dogs bring a sense of companionship to people. This applies both to people who live alone and those who live with others. Researchers have studied the canine-human bond for generations, yet it remains not fully understood. Still, no one can deny the unique connection shared between humans and dogs, unlike any seen with other pets or animal species.”

Besides that, dogs also help to introduce structure into our lives. This can be especially helpful for both the very young and the very old who have not yet established, or lost, a normal life routine. How? Dogs have, for the most part, regular eating habits, regular bathroom habits, and regular sleeping habits. Think about it, have you ever looked at your dog sleeping on the sofa and thought to yourself that you should head to bed yourself?

And, of course, dogs help to relieve stress. It’s common for universities and colleges to set up a puppy room during finals week to help ease the suffering of overstressed college students. Students who interact with the dogs on campus report feeling less stressed and more capable of taking on the wave of exams and final essays they have in the coming weeks. Imagine, along comes a husky… a really cute husky… let’s call him Gildber. Would you be able to remain angry while petting Gildber? Yeah… we didn’t think so. 

Speaking of Which, Have You Met Him? 

This is Gildber, our resident husky, small business insurance wiz, and your go-to guide for navigating the complex and ever-changing world of small business insurance.

At Gild Insurance, we believe that finding the right insurance fit shouldn’t be a burden. It should be a positive experience, something that puts your mind at ease and makes you confident that you and your business are covered in the event that something unfortunate happens. 

That’s why the spotlight shines on Gildber. We think he just has this certain way about him that perfectly exudes what we’re trying to accomplish here. He’s fun, quirky, and cute, but also smart, practical, and full of knowledge from all of us here at Gild. He’s the quintessential example of what makes us different and what makes us better. 

We know that the key to success in today’s world is a balance of technology backed by a personal touch (hence, why we have Gildber). The nature of our digital business model means that you get greater access to the latest innovations. No longer do you, —as a small business, solopreneur, or freelancer—have to feel like you are the last priority. With Gild Insurance, you get the latest, first.

To learn more and to get started on your own personal insurance journey, why don’t you head over here and get to know Gildber a little better? Trust us; he’s not like some of those other company mascots that are all style and no substance. He really knows his *ahem* stuff, and you can count on him to take care of you and provide options that fit your business. (Oh, and by the way, give him a scratch behind the ears—he really likes that!)